Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to eliminate Hoax Emails?

Dear friends
Hoax emails in the name of having won a lottery, a BMW Car, intension of transferring funds from one country to another, particularly from oil producing African countries, Burkhina Faso on top of the list etc, a patient on the verge of death due to terminal disease and wants to transfer the fund to your account for charity before his or her death. A young woman trying to establish a relation with you in lieu of getting herself rescued by you from a refugee camp and subsequently a commitment for a huge reward on her arrival to your country, after getting the funds, left behind by her deceased parent(s), transferred to your account, so on and so forth, do not seem to come to an end even after repeated efforts to block and delete them. Any idea how to stop them totally? Please do share your opinion with me, I am really fed up.